SC21 Proceedings

The International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage, and Analysis

GASNet-EX Memory Kinds: Support for Device Memory in PGAS Programming Models

Authors: Paul H. Hargrove, Dan Bonachea, Colin A. MacLean, and Daniel Waters (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL))

Abstract: There is an emerging need for adaptive, lightweight communication in irregular HPC applications at exascale, where GPU accelerators provide the majority of available compute cycles. To address this need, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab is developing a programming system to support distributed-memory HPC application development using the Partitioned Global Address Space (PGAS) model. This work includes two major components: UPC++ and GASNet-EX. UPC++ is a C++ template library providing remote memory access (RMA) and remote procedure call (RPC) communication interfaces. GASNet-EX is a portable, high-performance communication middleware library, used by the implementations of UPC++ and many other PGAS programming models. We describe recent advances in GASNet-EX to efficiently implement zero-copy RMA communication to and from memory on accelerator devices such as GPUs. We demonstrate performance improvements via benchmark results from UPC++ (on Summit) and the Legion programming system (on DGX-1), both using GASNet-EX for communication.

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